Friday, January 23, 2009

What is a Reiki attunement?

This is the process by which the Reiki teacher (often called a Reiki Master) passes on the ability to channel the Reiki energy. This involves a process of clearing any blocks to Reiki in your aura and connecting you to the ability to run Reiki energy by means of a direct transmission to your energy body (aura) There are many different energy systems that use attunement. Reiki is one of the most well Known and is an excellent basic all purpose system. It is easy to learn and is not burdened with a lot of esotericism or dogma.

An attunement is usually given during instruction in the various techniques involved in
practicing Reiki. Reiki is most often taught in three levels designated I, II and III, with III being the Master level. In level one people are taught basic techniques for hands on treatment for self and others. In Level two one learns techniques for remote healing and receives attunement for using symbols to activate specific functions for mental and emotional healing and for increasing the connection and effect of Reiki. Level three adds a spiritual or intuitive healing energy function and the ability to attune others to use Reiki themselves.

In some Reiki systems there is a Master level distinct from the Teacher (or Master/Teacher) level. To learn to pass on atonements one must undertake a further teacher level. Some teachers teach and transmit a unified Reiki attunement which includes all the functions of the three level system. Each level requires an attunement or set of atonements. As one progresses through the levels there can be a distinct and noticeable difference in the perception of effects and sensations of both the practitioner and the client . As one progresses through the levels one is taught the Reiki symbols which can be (and generally are) used in giving a Reiki treatment. The symbols are usually explored in the second Reiki level.

Being a Reiki Master is not a sign or guarantee of a person's moral fiber upstanding behavior, or any form of emotional or spiritual development. Reiki Masters are as human as anyone else.


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